View Profile Chieftx

36 Movie Reviews

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If I was like Nine years old!
Although the animation was OK, the voice acting was shoddy and it progressed at a rather sluggish pace. But most of all it did not seem very creative, you just seemed to just add a few characters and a mild twist in the plot to the original game.

pretty sweet

Your stop-motion skills are quite good. I do this kind of stuff too, it's real pain eh?
Your puppets look real nice as well as your movements and lip-syncing too. I made a movie in stop-motion for a film fest in New York, you can check it out on my profile.


I saw the original cartoon on youtube a few months back and I like this one a lot! The ending was a bit sudden though. you should do the whole song someday.


That has to be the most creative sprites I have ever seen! I don't know weather it was the 3D like graphics or the fact that you used Ice Climbers as an Idea.

pretty cool

I liked the concept ,animation could use so work, but its still great.
I see you like using Garageband too.

varunvaid95 responds:

No i don't. Friend of mine made the songs.

I enjoyed that.

that was funny!
Can't wait for the next episode.

could use some sound.

otherwise the animation was decent.

duhidiot responds:

prewiew. its not done.

nice one!

Good luck with your job in advertising!

uh not great

the animation was not good, I recommend that you make more movement and more frames between movements, also turn up the volume on voices, its hard to hear it.
also you really got to check your spelling.

joshuablake responds:

Yes well this was my first upload to Newgrounds, I think I've improved a bit really.

You had me at the exploding cat!

The animation was beautiful as the concept itself.
I can definitly see this being on the front page.

hello, you have reached my Newgrounds post, an extension to my base on DeviantArt. I don't do much here other than find tunes, submit some art, and occasionally give a piece of mind every once and a while. I'm much more active on DA though.

Age 33, Male

Cicada Collector

SUNY Oswego

The left Brain

Joined on 7/20/08

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